
This is a fairly simple bot for creating and pulling from lists that I originally intended to use for my workouts and repurposed for everyone to use since I couldn't find any other bots like this out there. The link below will add my 24/7 accessible bot into your server so you don't have to host it yourself if you want it accessible at all times.

Project maintained by DYstebo Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

I'm hosting a Discord Bot running 24/7 that can be added to your servers!


List-Bot can randomly choose a user-specified amount of either unique or non-unique items from a created list. You could make a list of users to select from, a list of your favorite sports teams, numbers, or anything else you’d like! Use /help to get started!

Commands List:

/new [List or Entries] [List name] [Entries separated by spaces, optional]

/delete [List or Entries] [List name] [Entries separated by spaces, not required if deleting a list]

/set [List name] [Entries separated by spaces, will overwrite current entries]

/list [List name, optional. Not including a list will get return all Lists]

/urandom [list] [number of unique items to return]

/nurandom [list] [number of non-unique items to return]

/getRandom [maximum] [minimum (default is 1)]



To run:

Copy your bot token, and put it in the field labelled botToken in the config.json file.

Then run the batch file ‘Run Lists.bat’ and your bot is ready to make some lists!